Over the past 4 weeks, we have looked at what the Bible says about our values statements.

Every Student Matters Every Day

Everyone is Known and Valued

Everyone can Grow and Thrive

Everyone Belongs and can Contribute to Community

In summary, we believe these things about our students, because this is the way the Creator God sees us.

We are aspirational. This means that we won’t get it right all the time and nor will the students. As we approach Easter, the message that “we won’t get it right all the time” echoes in my mind.

In fact, the message of Easter is that we are so far distant from God, that He needed to send a Saviour to get it right for us. So when we make mistakes, feel ashamed, fall short or hurt others, it is Jesus who ultimately takes the punishment for us.

At Mueller, we aspire for all people to see beyond the values statements to the God who truly values us as his creation.