As we attend the various ANZAC Services and marches this week, it is only fitting that we pause and reflect on what it all means. How have our lives been affected and changed as a result of those ANZACs, servicemen and women past and present, and the many sacrifices they have and will make in past and future conflicts.

Reflecting has made me take notice of a few things. I wake up each morning in complete peace and safety, in a more than accommodating home, in a neighbourhood free from conflict, in a city free from war, in a country free from oppression. I drive to work in a car I own, my three children in the back, each of which is receiving a quality Christian education, in a school I have chosen. Neither they nor I are persecuted or imprisoned for our beliefs, nor told what we can and can’t do. I go to a place of employment where I am not discouraged, but rather encouraged, to speak about the gospel, pray openly with colleagues, and share the truth with the students I teach. I attend a church that is free to meet and even advertise within the community, unafraid of persecution or imprisonment. I live in a country that is not run by a dictatorship, not oppressed by evil leaders or controlled by communist rulers. It is very evident to me just how much my life has been affected and improved as a result of the ANZACS.

This week Mueller College had the privilege of having Warrant Officer Class 2 John Roxburgh as special guest at our school ANZAC Service. In his address, WO2 Roxburgh described the very real and costly sacrifices that were and still are made by people he served with and under his command. Each and every life lost in battle unexpected and unforeseen.

Whilst history reminds us of those killed or injured in the personal sacrifice to protect and defend our shores, to defend our freedom and way of life; a far greater freedom was gained through the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ. This week reminds us also that Jesus’ death was different, as he knew exactly what was to come, when it was to come, each and every detail. Yet he remained obedient in his mission. Jesus’ death on the cross, and subsequent resurrection, secured us a freedom from sin, guilt and judgement for all eternity, if we simply choose to accept him. A freedom to experience the fullness of this life, his abounding grace and forgiveness each and every day.

A Newsboys song’s chorus has the words; ‘I am free to dance, I am free to sing, I am free to live for you, I AM FREE!’

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery” Galatians 5:1.

What words could be truer than those.


Week 2 // News and Updates