Last Wednesday’s Presentation Evening was a great celebration of the year. Here are a few thoughts from the night.

What type of life do you want for your children? All of us want a life of comfort and success for our children. We would like them to have busy lives of work, with a healthy dose of holidays and family thrown in. Presentation Evening was a celebration of the year’s activity whereby students are preparing for a life of success. We are pleased that students can be rewarded for their hard work and service. The awards are signs of ‘activity’.

However, at Mueller, we would like students to first know who they are before they work out what they can do. This is the difference between ‘activity’ and ‘identity’.

God has given us an identity. We have been created in His image (Genesis 1:27), we are His masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10), created for good works (Ephesians 2:10). At Mueller, this is the way we see our students. Each student is created special by God, and it is because of this, that we aim to prepare them well for a life of ‘identity’ before we wish them a life full of ‘activity’.

As we approach the Christmas season, we can then further ponder our identity in Christ. God sees incredible worth in us, to the point that He sent His only Son into the world to redeem us to Himself. Our value is proven at Christmas when God became man, and then at Easter when He freely gave His life on the cross.

We hope and pray our graduating students live a life full of rewarding activity as a result of a true understanding of their true identity.

Paul Valese

Week 5 // News and Updates