This past week saw the Year 7’s head out on camp. My daughter was one of these campers and in her words, ‘camp was epic’. She had the time of her life doing high ropes, catching waves at the beach and dancing the night away at the disco. This coming week is the Year 3 Sleepover and Basketball Academy Camp. My other daughter is heading on Year 3 camp, her first ever camp. She is nervous to be away from us, worried about what she will be eating and unsure about sleeping in a different place. But like many of the Year 3 students, she will push through the butterfly’s in her stomach because she is excited. Excited to do something new, excited to be with friends, excited to go on an adventure.

We are blessed to have incredible camping opportunities at Mueller. Students get to enjoy year levels camps from Years 2-11. We also have camps for many of our extracurricular activities. There are so many chances for students to explore our local area and beyond with classmates, peers and staff. However, our camping program is far more than just an exciting adventure, it is a core part of developing our school values.

Everyone can Belongs and can Contribute to Community.

Camps build independence. Students make their own decisions and manage their daily needs on their own, in a safe environment. They develop new interests, have the opportunity to contribute to a group and do things for others.

Everyone can Grow and Thrive.

Camps grow resilience and give students an opportunity to step out of their comfort zone and try new things. They are encouraged and supported to make manageable risks. When things don’t work or go to plan, students are given the opportunity to try again, supported and cheered on by their team.

Everyone is Known and Valued.

Camps build relationships. Students spend extended time with peers and staff and get to know them on a deeper level. As different activities happen, students get to know peers they may not have had anything much to do with before and broaden their friendship groups.

Every Student Matters Every Day.

Camps give students the opportunity to go deeper with God. All of our camps at Mueller have a time of learning and growing in relationship with God. Students are reminded that they matter, not just within the Mueller family, but that they matter to the God of the universe.

Camps positively impact our kids in so many ways. They are a fun adventure and an important part of growing and developing individuals and our Mueller culture.

Sarah Grady

Term 1 News