Last Friday was one of those days in the school where there was plenty happening! It was the Secondary Athletics Carnival, Pyjama Day in Prep and of course the opening night for Aladdin the musical. It was so good to see students and staff enjoying these events. There is so much happening and as we get into the ‘business end’ of the semester, students are also very busy showing what they have learned during this time.

Most students will invest considerable energy, thought and time into completing the required assessment tasks. Assessment is a necessary component of schooling and is strongly linked to the curriculum requirements that we need to adhere to satisfy the demands of the Australian Curriculum. There are also many ways we differentiate these requirements to provide the chance for all students to show what they know and can do.

It is important to note that these judgements are ‘point-in-time’ and do not necessarily always communicate the full picture of the progress that students are making in their learning. Teachers will always give the fullest picture of this that they can in a report card, but a simple letter grade does not always do justice the growth of a student in semester. They can seem to work on the assumption that all students have started on from the same point and have equal chance to achieve. However, we know this is not true and it is inherently more difficult for some students than others. The teachers see the curiosity, and grit that students show to learn and achieve to their potential. This is well and truly worth celebrating no matter what the final grade is!

There is much to celebrate at Mueller and the effort students invest in their learning is super important. We are so proud of the way they engage and persevere in this and we look forward to them putting their best foot forward over the next couple of weeks and showing us all they have learned.

Todd Langford

Term 2 News