The Transformers was a favourite cartoon of mine during the 1980s. A little more low tech than the modern movie, but I remember the tune well. The opening theme song had the words – Transformers, more than meets the eye.

Walking through Breakfast Club in the morning, there is more than meets the eye. On the surface there is a line of students waiting for toast and others spilling their juice all over the floor. You will regularly see a Year 1 student balancing cereal, juice and their school bag, all while talking to his friend. There is ‘more than meets the eye’ with Breakfast Club – it is all about community. We know that most students are lining up for their second breakfast, and this is ok. We are encouraged to see students getting together every morning over breakfast.

This Thursday is Grimm Tales. The students will be nervous as they perform and are assessed on the piece of theatre. The learning has been engaging and real as they have learnt their lines, designed the set and work through the lighting. But ‘there is more than meets the eye’ with every drama production. It is also about community. It is an opportunity for students to build relationships with each other through rich learning experiences.

The Fete is huge, and this year will be especially huge. When you arrive, you will see rides, food trucks, community stalls and a main stage. But ‘there is more than meets the eye’ with the Fete. We measure the Fete in smiles not dollars. On the surface it is a school fete, but the foundation is to build community.

God designed us for community. He made Adam and Eve, who walked with God in the garden. We are designed to be in community. It is our desire that as you spend your time in the Mueller community, you will get a glimpse of our desire to be faithful to God’s calling on our life to live in community.

Paul Valese

Term 2 News