The rhythm of schooling has been quite different over the last couple of years with a new senior system and then Covid 19 restrictions disrupting schooling. As a result, Presentation Night will be held in a slightly different point in the calendar again this year. It has been in the school calendar all year, but I would like to draw your attention to it for future planning purpose. It will be held on Thursday the 21st of October (Week Three, Term Four), commencing at 6:45pm. This allows it to be held before the Year 12 External Exams commence.

Last year it was a within-school-time event for the Year 7 – 11 students and the Year 12 students received their awards at their Graduation service. In 2021, all awards will be given out at Presentation Night, as has been the tradition for over 20 years. The night will also include other important Arts performances, speeches, and the introduction of 2022 student leaders. For the last few years the Year 6 students have also been included in Presentation Night but following the success of their awards being presented at their graduation service in 2020, they will remain as part of that event.

Our heart is to honour students, however not everyone can get an award. We know that for many of the students winning these awards is a goal and motivation for them to work hard. Hence, a published framework for our decisions is important. The detail of the criteria, for the Mueller Academic Medal, Ampol Allrounder (formerly Caltex), Academic Excellence, Subject awards and Dux of Middle School and Dux of School are attached.

One significant change which started last year and will remain is that the Mueller College Dux and Year Twelve subject awards will be given out at Mega Chapel on the first day of the 2022 school year. There have been some additional awards generated to reward Year 12 students on Presentation Night, but these awards can only be given out once all External Assessment has been marked and the results communicated to us.

The plan for Mega Chapel would be to have a dedicated section of the program for the 2021 graduates to be honoured and celebrated. All students and parents would be invited to Mega Chapel and to an afternoon tea function following Mega Chapel.

Please read the attached document which outlines the award criteria and send through any questions to

