In 2021 we had a large number of Primary students compete in ICAS (International Competitions and Assessments for Schools) in the subject areas of Mathematics, English, Spelling Bee, Digital Technology and Science. The competition is an opportunity to be challenged beyond the standard curriculum, as the questions focus on critical thinking, problem-solving and deep subject knowledge. ICAS certificates are awarded on the following basis:
High Distinction – The top 1% of participants in Australia
Distinction – The next 10% of participants in Australia
Credit – The next 25% of participants in Australia
Merit – The next 10% of participants in Australia
Participation – For all remaining participants in Australia
At Mueller this year, students have received the following awards: 5 high distinctions, 30 distinctions, 97 credits. In particular, we would like to encourage the following students for their achievements:
- Isaac Fernando – High Distinction for Digital Technology and High Distinction for Mathematics
- Eli Rossman – High Distinction for Mathematics
- Jayden Wang – High Distinction for Mathematics
- Stephanie Li – High Distinction for Mathematics
We would like to celebrate and recognise students’ academic efforts, as all participants did their best and enjoyed the challenge involved in ICAS.
(ICAS writing competition was delayed and rescheduled due to a lockdown, therefore results are pending.)