Last week was a great week at school with all the smiles on children’s faces, the sea of orange as a symbol for community where people belong, and over forty thousand dollars raised for the Leukaemia foundation. You may have also noticed that the Courier Mail published the 2021 NAPLAN results for all schools last week. These results were shared with schools last August and we have been using them to inform our practice however all school results are made publicly available at this time each year.
When they are publicly reported, they are used to compare schools in different ways – most improved, highest performing, and best value for money. This is not really the intention behind NAPLAN and is only a single measure of academic performance and a narrow way of comparing schools. However, they are a legitimate source of information that is valued by families.
For what it’s worth, Mueller College students should be commended for their application and performance in these tests as well as the teachers for their diligence in preparing the students well. All year levels at Mueller exceeded the state average and showed improvement on their 2019 results (There was no NAPLAN in 2020 due to Covid). An excellent result considering it was the first time for all students to complete the tests online. A big change especially for Year 3 students.
The data provided by our own student’s performance in NAPLAN is very useful. Along with several other diagnostic assessments, this information is used to inform the way we design the curriculum, provide additional support for students, and identify any gaps in students learning. As we look ahead, we will continue to focus our resources and energy on the core numeracy and literacy skills for students. Like most schools, the information obtained from these exams, rather than being something we use to market the school, inform our approach to providing a focused and effective education for all students – an opportunity to grow and thrive.
Todd Langford