I was watching a movie about Winston Churchill, the British Prime Minister during World War Two on the weekend. I knew who Winston Churchill was but had limited idea of the role or input of the rest of the characters to the war. I found myself watching the movie and thinking “Who is that bloke?” Fortunately, I live in an age where the answers to my questions required only a few taps on my phone screen. Simple questions like these are easy to find the answers to. Unfortunately, like the problems posed to Sir Winston, many of the questions and problems confronting us and our children do not have such readily accessible and simple answers.
Schools have long been one of the frontlines of help and direction for young people searching for answers or needing care. We take this responsibility seriously at Mueller and we have a strong pastoral care network in place to support students. However, to provide more resources for parents in supporting your children we have launched a website called School TV. It is filled with articles, videos, and information about key issues facing students and parents such as managing screen time, mental health issues, and resilience. Accessible through Mueller Connect, School TV will be regularly updated by the Mueller pastoral care team to provide parents with resources from leaders in the fields of psychology, youth mental health, and wellbeing, as well as contributions from Mueller staff. I encourage you to follow the link and check it out today at https://mueller.qld.schooltv.me.
At Mueller, we acknowledge that Philippians 2:4 calls us to “not look only to our own interests but the interests of others”. This comes in many forms. Information and advice are important, taking the time to work through an issue or situation, providing a positive schooling environment for students to learn and belong, and offering activities for all to enjoy and have some fun, such as the Mueller fete, are also critical wellbeing. However, some situations are laden with complexity and many in our community face difficult circumstances in their lives. We pray continually for those who are in need and for wisdom for those who can help.
Enjoy your week!
Todd Langford