I probably share with some of you an addiction to coffee! I believe one of life’s great joys is the first cup of coffee in the morning – it refreshes, awakens, and dehydrates all at the same time. The convenience of Hudson’s for a nice cup of coffee is generally too hard for me to resist during a school day. It always brings a smile to my face to see the students working behind the counter and the varied members of the school community enjoying what Hudson’s has to offer. Unless they are all in the line ahead of me of course!
A new year comes with new visions and aspirations. Sometimes we can fall into the trap of making these a bit grandiose or even vague, such that they are unachievable or hard to measure. For students, they may want this to be the ‘best year ever’ for instance. The intent behind these is wonderful and to be applauded and I love to see students go big with their goals. However, not all goals need to be world-changing, there is honour and value in making progress in whatever sphere we focus on. I recently read the mission of a company and it was beautiful in its simplicity, “to make a good coffee at a fair price”. Some would consider this to be too basic and boring. However, when you reflect on it, how good is life when we can get a daily coffee that is both good and at a fair price! It is a noble and worthwhile pursuit that improves the lives of others.
I encourage students as they embark on the academic year to understand the value and achievement that lies in small but tangible outcomes. Making one new friend, improving my C+ to a B- or my B+ to an A-, doing 15 minutes per night more study are all the equivalent of a good coffee at a fair price. They are simple, purposeful, and worthwhile. When we are tempted to think they are not enough we should be encouraged by the fact that this is exactly what God calls us to do. He then multiplies these efforts to bless others, glorify him and give us contentment. Colossians 3:23 says to “Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.”. What a simple yet profound focus for the year ahead.
Todd Langford