This week our Year 3 cohort excitedly head off to the local pool to partake in swimming lessons. Most of our students would have participated in some lessons already in their lifetime, however, school lessons help consolidate and reinforce key swimming skills.
Maybe you were the parent who took your child to swimming lessons. No doubt week in and week out you watched them develop skills and capabilities to allow them to swim and possibly saw them move from the tadpole group to the tiger shark group!
It would not be beneficial to throw a child, who cannot swim, in the deep end and simply say “swim”. The swimming teachers teach each child, level-appropriate skills and capabilities so they can develop their strokes, skills and endurance as a swimmer.
The same occurs every day at Mueller College. We don’t simply throw our students in the deep end and expect our students to “learn”. Our caring and capable staff work alongside each student and help them develop their skills, and capabilities and provide opportunities for them to reach their God-given potential.
Thankfully our Heavenly Father also doesn’t just throw us in the deep end. In Isaiah 41:13 it says, “For I, the LORD your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, Fear not, I am the one who helps you.” He created us and knows what we need and when we need it. He journeys alongside us helping and guiding us. If you are trying to stay afloat in life, or feel like you’re sinking in the deep end, please call out to your Creator God. He hears you and is eager to help you, not just to survive, but to thrive in this life.
Angela Langford