Year 9 student Charlotte Westaway is already a musical theatre pro with over 30 productions under her belt, and she is set to play the title role in the upcoming ‘Esther’ musical production. As anticipation builds for the show, we sat down with Charlotte to find out why this production is special to her.
Charlotte, what are you most looking forward to about the ‘Esther’ performances?
Having an interactive band on stage that plays while we perform. It’s fun to bounce off the energy and kinda change things up as you go.
What do you enjoy about playing Esther?
I enjoy singing all the 80’s songs that she has and I love getting to step into her shoes and play Esther with my own little twists and turns here and there.
What is the best part of being in the school production?
Getting to spend most of the rehearsal with my friends and create memories that wouldn’t be created in other productions.
Who are you most excited to have watch the show?
I have lots of friends that I do musical theatre with, so I’m excited for them to come and watch.
Which show do you think people should come to see?
Saturday night because it’s the closing show and the energy will be bursting from the seams!
Stay tuned for more interviews with the cast of Esther and save the date for April 28th & 29th. Tickets go on sale in just a couple of weeks so start gathering family and friends to come along for a fantastic night out!