Destiny-Rose Hockings is a hair’s breadth away from raising $1000 for the World’s Greatest Shave. She’s going to be colouring her hair next week because she has had several people in her world touched by cancer, most notably her mum.

Destiny-Rose says she wants to help support people with cancer to be able to get to hospitals quickly after experiencing a critical incident with her mum. When asked if others should join her next week she said, ‘Definitely sign up! It’s a lot of fun and you get to help people in need.’

Well done Destiny-Rose!


The World’s Greatest Shave is coming up next week on Friday, March 16th & 17th. Students are invited to participate by raising money to shave, cut or colour their hair in support of the Leukaemia Foundation.

In years past, the school set a goal of raising $40,000 and well and truly smashed it, being one of the highest fundraisers in the state. In 2023 we have set our goal at $45,000 and have raised over $26,000 to date!

Secondary students can be involved in the following ways…

COLOUR their hair (required to raise min $350)

CUT 20cm of their hair (required to raise min $500)

SHAVE their head (required to raise min $500)

Primary students in Years 5 & 6 can be involved by…

COLOURING their hair (required to raise min $350)

Help meet our goal by supporting staff or students who have signed up OR get involved yourself by clicking through below to our Mueller College 2023 team…