2025 is set to be an amazing year at Mueller, and we look forward to looking after our students. The Health Room is one of the busiest hubs in the school with an average of 100 student visitors a day! Our nurses see to everything from band-aiding scraped knees to medication management for chronic illnesses, and every student will likely walk through their doors at some point in their schooling life.
The Health Room is located at the front corner of A block and can be contacted by email at schoolnurse@mueller.qld.edu.au or by phone on 3897 2864.
Mueller Connect has a dedicated health room page that stores forms, facts and policies related to health and medication.
Click ‘Community’ > ‘Health Centre’ on the menu above or click the button below.
A few handy things to highlight as we go into the year ahead…
- Please ensure you have updated or reviewed your child’s medical details on Parent Portal – find the instructions HERE
- Please refer to the time-out poster HERE when assessing sickness and whether to send children to school.
- Remember to see the health room if your child requires any medication during the school day and send in the short-term medication form found HERE
- To see some of our frequently asked questions see HERE