After the final bell rang in 2024 and most students embraced the holidays, 60 students gave up 4 days to travel to Goondiwindi on a worship tour. The team had been invited to host the region’s Carols by Candlelight, and they transported the megaChapel ‘Tilly Tonka and the Chocolate Christmas’ production to the Goodiwindi local hall. The production was a great success with a record number of locals coming to enjoy the show and the team have been invited back to run this year’s Carols event.

While the Christmas production was the main agenda, their itinerary was packed as they once again connected the the Border Rivers Christian College, hosting a youth rally, church service, 2 chapels, a chapel band workshop and prayer night while they were there.

A real highlight of the tour was the intentional decision to have students manage the tour and lead all events. The 4 days of tour was kept organised by the 2 student tour managers and each of the events were led by students. This gave the students a new opportunity to step into leadership. The whole team represented the school magnificently.