Term 1 is underway. What a huge day yesterday, with over 1800 students descending upon the campus. There were plenty of smiles as old friends reunited after the break, and new students made welcome.
I would like to make special mention of new families joining the Mueller community. I trust you settle in fast. Our hope for your family is to “come to school with a smile, leave with a smile and learn heaps of stuff in between”.
The campus is extra busy this year with the construction of the Wellbeing Centre. Centrally located between Primary and Secondary, the Wellbeing Centre will bring together our pastoral care services into one central location. I will share more of the design and vision during the year.
We desire to see students eager to come to school. A happy mind is ready to learn. We desire for students to have some good friends with whom they can share the good and bad together. There is plenty of ‘stuff’ to learn. The 3 ‘R’s are crucial, but in today’s world, there are a myriad of subjects to choose from. We desire all students to learn something every day. And then, when the day is done, all students can go home with a smile.
Mueller is a Gospel-centred school. Our desire to see students smile and learn, is underpinned by our deepest desire to see our community transformed by the Good News of Jesus Christ.
As we enter 2025, our hope is that you will be impacted by the Gospel and your child will have a positive schooling experience.