Student Global Leadership Summit

When: Tuesday 12th June (during school hours)

Att: Parents of Year 9 to 12 students

This year Mueller College is again partnering with the Global Leadership Summit to give students the chance to learn from some of the most successful leaders and most researched experts on the planet. The aim of the GLS is ‘To create world-class leadership development to energise students’.

Your child is being offered an opportunity to participate in a one day workshop to help build their leadership skills.  A number of students who participated last year commented that “This was the best event they had ever been to at the College!”.

This opt-in, one day training workshop will take place during normal school hours and speakers include a lawyer specialising in saving minors from America’s death row, a survivor of the Rwandan genocide and one of Australia’s leading thinkers, John Dickson. It will run at a discounted price of $30 and is held on-site at Mueller during school hours.

Please refer to Parent Portal for further details or email Michael Gilliver. A letter is attached here outlining the summit.

Mr Michael Gilliver
Head of Humanities