THANK YOU to our Mueller students who volunteered to be a buddy to the students from Chuo High School in Japan.

The 12 students enjoyed their time at Mueller and loved integrating into our school community and experiencing some Aussie culture.

We will have the following Japanese school groups also visiting from…

  • Katsushika School – 19 to 24 August -20 students for 4 school days
  • Seikyo Christian School, Osaka – 17 to 24 October – 30 students for 3 1/2 school days

Any students that would like to be a buddy at school, please register with Student Services.

Caloundra Christian College (tour coordinators) are always looking for more host families. If paid home-stays interest you, please make contact below for more information…

Mark Spencer
International Program Manager
Caloundra Christian College
07 5436 6777
CRICOS: 01434K