Homestay is an experience where a family hosts a student from overseas to give them a glimpse of life as an Aussie. They taste their first Aussie pie, have their breath taken away by the beautiful beaches in our backyard, and learn to say “G’day mate!” with the proper Queensland drawl. Participating families of the Homestay program have found the experience to be rewarding, enlightening and lots of fun.

From 19-24 August Mueller will be hosting 24 Japanese students (14/15 years old) from Katsushika Middle School.

We are seeking families in our local community who can welcome these students into their home for this short stay.

Families from Prep to Year 12 are welcome to apply (i.e. your child does not have to be the same age as the students) and our wish is for the majority of these students to stay with college families to truly experience the Mueller community.

Interested families will receive an introductory session with a Home Stay support staff member, have access to a 24/7 support line, and receive a non-taxable payment to cover the cost of providing three meals per day, school drop off/pick-ups, and normal household utilities.

If you would like to be part of this exciting program, please contact Home Stay Coordinator Madeleine Kent  on 07 5436 6781 or email