You are cordially invited to come to your child’s music class in Week 4 and discover the musical delights students are involved in. You will be entertained by their beautiful singing, impressed with their musical literacy and you may even get to play a game or two.  We are simply inviting you into our classroom to see what we do. Please contact Di Schmidt with any further questions.

Below are the times when each class has its music lesson throughout the week:

Prep BlueTuesdayAugust 69:10 – 9:50am
Prep GreenThursdayAugust 89:50 – 10:30am
Prep OrangeThursdayAugust 811:50 – 12:30pm
Prep RedWednesdayAugust 79:50 – 10:30am
Prep YellowWednesdayAugust 79:10 – 9:50am


1 BlueWednesdayAugust 711:50 – 12:30pm
1 GreenFridayAugust 99:10 – 9:50am
1 OrangeFridayAugust 99:50 – 10:30am
1 RedWednesdayAugust 711:10 – 11:50am
1 YellowTuesdayAugust 611:10 – 11:50am


2 BlueTuesdayAugust 69:50 – 10:30am
2 GreenTuesdayAugust 61:45 – 2:25pm
2 OrangeTuesdayAugust 62:25 – 3:05pm
2 RedMondayAugust 511:10 – 11:50am
2 YellowThursdayAugust 812:30 – 1:10pm