This week we interviewed Bodhi Wallen, one of our Year 7 students who has recently achieved excellence in dance. Bodhi has just returned from America and appears on Australia’s Got Talent tonight in the semi-finals, and his dance crew recently placed 10th in the world at the recent Hip Hop World Championships.

What was it like competing on television?
It was really cool because I got to meet all of the celebrity judges as well as being able to show what I love to do on national television to my friends.
What are your dreams/goals with dance?
One of mine and my crew mates goals is that we would like to travel the world dancing and showing people how much fun it is. We especially want to show that it’s ok for boys to dance and it can still be cool! We want to spread fun across the world!
What would you say to other young people wanting to follow their passions?
I would say to just go for it! Do whatever you want to do and it doesn’t matter what other people think! It’s great for people to do what they love and just be happy! You might even find something interesting, new and fun along the way and meet great people.
Thanks for sharing with us Bodhi! We wish you all the best.