2020 brings many new staff to the Mueller family. This week we got to know new maths teacher, William Webster, a little better…

What brought you to Mueller?
Last year I had my second practicum at Mueller College and was amazed by the culture and amazing balance the school strikes between its gospel focus and academic excellence.

What is your current role?
I’m a Secondary Mathematics Teacher. Connecting with students and partnering with them on their learning journey.

What are you most passionate about in your teaching?
I love seeing those “ahh ha!” moments whether in regards to mathematics, personal growth or, God willing, through the gospel.

What was your very first job?
I was a Woolworth’s checkout chick or rather laser lad if you will.

Coffee of choice?
Cold Brew on Ice, Black or a batch brew/flatty in the colder months. Lately, though I’ve been trying to distance myself from the worlds most acceptable drug addiction.