Over the coming weeks with most of school learning off campus, Mueller Connect will take a step inside the homes of some of our families to see how they are navigating online learning and the COVID-19 season.

This week we asked the Clarke family to share some of their journey with us. Grade 4 student, Ellie, and Grade 6 student, Riley, show us their new ‘classrooms’ (not to mention their epic lego project) and mum, Amanda, tells us what they’ve been focusing on to keep their family flourishing despite isolation.

(If your family would be willing to share with us please email a.cunningham@mueller.qld.edu.au)


How are you feeling about returning to school online instead of on campus?
Riley – I am excited! But I am going to miss my friends.
Ellie – What does campus mean?  (LOL) –  I am excited for the new experience to try but also nervous about how it works.

What do you miss about school on campus?
Riley – Seeing my friends, my teacher, playing handball against some competition (insert laugh here).
Ellie – I really miss seeing Mia it is not the same talking on zoom. Can’t wait to see her again.

What do you think will be the best thing about online learning?
Riley – Not having to get up as early.   Being able to learn at my speed.
Ellie – No noisy kids. You get it done faster. After you are done you get to play with your own toys.



How are you, as a parent, feeling about online learning? 

Amanda – We are thankful for the values are kids hold in relation to school in that they love learning.   Both Riley and Ellie have taken the changes in their strides and apart from the usual missing of friends they are going okay.  I am sure it would be easier for them to be at school than piecing it together at home.

Home learning will look a little different in our house with the kids home with Mat during the day while he works. I am currently on placement learning to be a teacher so getting to see it from all perspectives which is exciting. We will do our learning around this but know that we have the school there to support us all the way.

Have you experienced any unexpected positives during this season of isolation?

Amanda – There have definitely been positives to isolation. As a family, we have had more time to connect together and we will definitely be assessing what items we are “missing out on” will be coming back into our lives. We are thankful for the host of Mueller families that check in on us and the opportunity to connect via Mueller Community Church.

Riley is passing on his chess skills. We have regular family challenges of Monopoly Deal and handball. Lastly, it wouldn’t be the Clarke family if we were not out and about still doing exercise but we ensure we do it as safe as possible. Our dogs will miss us greatly when we go back to our new life after isolation.

Has there been a scripture/family motto/mantra that has helped in this season?

Amanda – We focus on the fact that we are in isolation and healthy which is much better off than many others.

Some of our favourites at the moment:

I was made for greatness and knowing that is my power.

‘Don’t worry about anything instead pray about everything.’   Philippians 4:6

LOL the kids have made their own handshake with “hi, hi, hi, hi, we’re so cool.”