Thank you for your ongoing support of the arrangements around Covid and access to school. We know that these arrangements are not convenient for some. We have received further updates from the Queensland Government and they are summarised below.

Parents on Campus

There is no change to any of these arrangements for the day to day drop-off and pick-up. It is an expectation that we minimise interaction between students and adults within the school grounds and school entry points. This includes restricting adult access to the grounds during the school day. The existing arrangements will stay in place until we hear otherwise.


We will keep the current locations for drop-off/pick-up with MPAC being reserved for Preps-Year 3 (and siblings) and Wattle Road for all other students. Parents of Preps-Year 3 are welcome to jump out of their car to assist their child undo/redo their seat belt. Staff will be available, however, it can be faster to help your own child if staff are busy with other people.

Assembly & Chapels

Term 3 will see the re-commencement of Assemblies and Chapels with the restriction that teachers must physical distance while in the auditorium. Parents however are not able to attend.

Parent-Teacher Interviews

Parent-Teacher Interviews have been approved with Covid safe measures in place. This includes physical distancing, hand washing, no hand-shaking and please do not attend if you are sick. More information will be sent out as to the location and arrangements.