As you would be aware the delayed start to the 2022 school year impacted our school swimming carnivals. We have decided to postpone both the Primary and Secondary carnivals until a time later in the year as we value to cultural aspects that the carnivals provide.

There is also the element of our school carnivals that provide students an opportunity to trial and progress through the representative school sport pathway. This year both Primary and Secondary students will be required to nominate for the events they wish to be considered for selection into either the Redcliffe District (Primary) or South District (Secondary).

The nomination link is provided below. Please ensure you attach evidence of your nominated times. It is unclear at this point whether the respective District carnivals will proceed as planned. At this stage, the Sunshine Coast Regional carnival is on as planned. There may be a possibility that the nominated times are then used for a “direct to region” trial if the District carnivals are canceled. More information will be provided as the picture comes clearer.


Please send through nominations to the link above by Tuesday 8th February and contact the relevant Primary/Secondary contact with any questions you may have.

Primary Contact: Steven Ware –

Secondary Contact: Luke Greaves –