Monday saw an orange-flavoured Assembly this week for both Primaries & Secondaries.

Secondaries heard the inspiring story of one of their peers who regularly spends time serving in one of Brisbane’s soup kitchens. It was a timely reflection of the 2022 school theme of ‘Living for More Than Me’. Hear Fiona’s story in the video below.

They also got to meet Mr John Lacey of Lacey Sports Centre fame who sat on the couch with Mr Langford this week. Starting in 1995, Mr Lacey shared how his many years of service at Mueller were filled with odd jobs, menial tasks and sometimes downright awful duties like cleaning out a broken fridge full of leftover sausages after a long summer holiday break! He is a man marked with humility, and students leaned in as he challenged them to intentionally walk into their day full of life and looking for ways they can bless others.

Primaries were treated to a visit from Senior student, Esther, and her furry friends. Esther shared how she became passionate about animals after a visit to Australia Zoo in Year 6 which sparked a journey into being an official animal carer and rescuer. She prompted them to have their eyes open to the special gifts and talents that God has given each one of them, and then to outwork it in a way that serves others.

We have some phenomenal people within the Mueller community and it was certainly a blessing to hear from some of them this week.