In this edition of SchoolTV – EXAM JITTERS

Every year, more and more emphasis is placed on achieving good results in exams causing many students to feel extraordinary pressure and have unrealistic expectations. This month on SchoolTV, parents will find advice on how to help students cope with the pressure and how students can work smarter to achieve the results they desire.

Exams are like a game. Once you know how to play the game, your chances of achieving great results rapidly increase. Parents can learn how to assist their kids to maintain perspective and keep their sanity intact during exam time.

Diet, exercise, and sleep all play an important part in helping a student balance a busy schedule and study smarter. Keeping stress levels to a minimum and reducing anxiety can be easily achieved through careful planning and having a supportive environment.

We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this edition of SchoolTV and we always welcome your feedback. If you have any concerns about your child, please contact the school counsellor for further information or seek medical or professional help.

Here is the link to the Exam Jitters edition of SchoolTV

Mueller College values your child’s mental health. The School TV initiative provides a range of resources to support you in caring for your family. The College has curated the content, however because the content is not created by Mueller College, there may be small pieces of information which need to be approached with extra discretion.