While there are a number of very talented young men in Visual Art, there is no doubting the skill of the female students who are the focus for the display in the windows of the Arts Cube.

The display is a combination of the works by Stephany Cilliers (Year 9), Trixie Richens (Year 11), Stella Eastgate (Year 11), Lean Meniel (Year 12), Emily Busch (Year 12), and Angelica Borromeo (Year 10).

And this is just the tip of the iceberg!

Large scale works by Elise Niel, Rebecca Moulynoux, Hollee Standring King and Mina Hussein (All Year 11) could not be used in the display due to their size and complexity. Meanwhile, three works by female students (Ashlyn Rajesh, Abby Campbell and Arian Rodriguez) are now on show in the Senior study space.

Congratulations to these amazing young women.
