As we continue to support our students through the challenges they face, we would like to introduce parents of Secondary students to an extraordinary program called Seasons for Growth. Designed to support young people during times of change and loss, this program offers valuable tools to help them cope, heal, and thrive.

Adolescence is a time of tremendous growth and discovery, but it is also a period that often brings significant changes, such as transitioning to Secondary School, adapting to new social dynamics, or coping with personal loss. Recognizing the importance of addressing these challenges, we have partnered with Seasons for Growth to offer an invaluable resource for our students and their families.

Seasons for Growth is a well-established and evidence-based program that promotes resilience, emotional intelligence, and effective coping strategies. Based upon Dr William Worden’s theory of grief, the program draws upon the metaphor of the changing seasons to explore the emotions, thoughts, and reactions associated with loss and change.

Through guided discussions, activities, and sharing experiences in a safe and supportive environment, Seasons for Growth equips young people with the skills they need to manage their emotions and navigate the complexities of grief and loss. By fostering a sense of belonging and empathy, the program empowers students to develop a deeper understanding of their own emotions and those of others. We assure you that confidentiality and respect will be at the core of every session, creating a space where personal stories and experiences can be shared if the students want to in a safe and supportive manner.

Seasons for Growth consists of a series of sessions led by our chaplains and counsellors starting in week 3 for the entirety of Term 3. To register your Secondary Student for the Seasons for Growth program (speak with them first) or to learn more about it, please email by the end of this week. This program is offered at no additional cost.