Our Year 11 & 12 music students took to the stage to perform their assessment pieces last week in front of an encouraging audience of family and friends.

Some tackled assessments through audio-visual presentations that were displayed for visitors to see, while others took to the stage where it was not just their musicality being assessed but their performance ability too. The classes had been focusing on approaching themes of protest and justice through music, and the song choices of the night reflected that tone with items like ‘You Don’t Own Me’, and ‘To Be Human’ performed.

Singles, pairs, and groups presented, with students often helping each other with backup singing or musical accompaniment. The Funk Band made a brazen appearance with a full horns section belting out ‘Sir Duke’ from the balcony above. Listeners lounged below with their BYO snacks, and enjoyed a magnificent night of performance. Well done Year 11 & 12!