On Saturday, 5th August students from Mueller College studying a Certificate III in Events volunteered as part of their learning outcomes at the Moreton Food and Wine Festival held at Woody Point. The day was amazing with our Queensland sunshine and the blue waters of Bramble Bay turning on a spectacular backdrop for what was a foodie’s paradise.

Mueller Events students were allocated to the festival entry gates where they greeted and provided entry to ticket holders from the Moreton Bay community and beyond. Their professional application of acquired performance skills in event management assisted them in serving the community and provided for a great day out.

Events like this one rely heavily on volunteers and could not have been achieved without the support of Mueller Events students. The event has been labelled as “The best that South East Queensland has ever experienced”. Mueller events students have received “extremely positive feedback” on their professional approach to the event. A Certificate III in Events qualifies these students for entry into a range of universities, for example, a Bachelor of Business with a major in Tourism, Leisure and Event Management through USC, and provides an excellent career path within a growing industry.

For more information regarding this, please speak to Future Pathways at Mueller College.