It’s a Monday at morning tea, and many students excitedly wait outside the technology classroom. When Mrs Walker appears to open the door, they sprint inside and begin to pull out activities and set up their space. Sixty seconds later, one group is building a ‘car’, another is French knitting, a pair is giggling as they navigate an iPad game, and another group is programming robotics.

When asked what they love about STEM Club (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics), students replied…

‘I love coming with my friends and just chatting while we work on hopscotch or french knitting.’

‘I love the Lego. I also love robotics because you can create whatever you want and program it however you want.’

‘I love playing hopscotch – it’s an app with really fun games.’

‘I love that you can build and be creative.’

Take a look at what they got up to…