We’re excited to be launching our 2024 Dance Troupe in Term Two! With auditions being held in Term 1: Tuesday 12th March.

To register for the audition students can either visit the Arts Office and leave their details on the ‘Sign up’ sheet, or alternatively email The Arts Office with their name and grade [artsoffice@mueller.qld.edu.au].

Audition details

Date: 12 March 2024

Time: 7.15-8.15am

Location: Mueller Dance Studio (D15)

Who: Auditions are open to all Secondary students (Year 7-12).


  1. Pants/tights
  2. dance appropriate attire (no crop tops please)
  3. socks or bare feet
  4. hair secured back

Call backs, if necessary, will occur during lunch breaks in Weeks 8 and 9. Emails will be sent directly to students required to attend. The list of successful applicants will be published in Mueller Connect in Week 10.

Regular Dance Troupe rehearsals will occur Tuesday 7.00-8.15am starting in Term Two.