The inaugural Mueller Worship Conference was held over 3 days last week on campus. Students from Mueller were joined by peers from 8 other schools from Brisbane to Agnes Water and Rockhampton.

The conference gave students time to worship together at Chapels on Friday, visit classrooms, learn through quality teaching and practical application in workshops led by a range of teachers who gave up their Saturday to be involved, have team brain-storming sessions, and gather in worship rallies. Friday night saw the doors open for a giant youth rally with dinner and a bucking ‘bull’ part of the fun. Saturday night finished the conference with a more intimate worship time that was a highlight for many.

God was ever-present throughout the event and beautifully at work in the lives of the young people attending. Several made decisions for Jesus for the first time, and moments in worship and teaching were heart-changing. Mr Sweetman has had a steady stream of emails coming through from students since Saturday with testimonies of these moments, and many schools keen to come back next year with even more students. Bring on 2025!