The new Primary playground has to be seen to be believed! The two towers bring a new element of excitement to the Mueller skyline and their imposing size have been calling out to Primaries since the beginning of Term 1. Finally, students were let loose to explore the structures yesterday after an official ribbon cutting from our Primary Captains, and the squeals of joy and frantic races to try each new component were the most resounding positive reviews we could hope for!
But the towers are just the beginning of the new design. From market stalls inviting role-play to a ninja wall to stretch the athletically inclined, a creek bed with flowing water, cubbies, sound-play, climbing ropes, sand-pits, ball game-pits, nature-play and so much more, the vast new play space has something for everyone. We are excited to see lots of fun and friendships forged in the play space over the years to come.