Mueller’s Cultural Tour of Japan

In June/July 24 students will accompany staff on our first cultural tour of Japan.

The trip is a joint venture between Arts and History so the experiences will be diverse. We will be visiting four cities; Tokyo with its temples and the Ghibli animation museum, Kyoto with its kabuki plays and historic precinct, Osaka with its castle and Universal Studies and castles, and Hiroshima with its Peace Museum.

It is part of the curriculum to appreciate our place within the Asia Pacific Region. Japan is an excellent country for students to experience. It’s monoculture is so distinct and different from any other yet influences the world culture constantly. It is a wealthy culture with proud traditions that can see itself as superior to our own. It is important for students to appreciate that our cultural viewpoint is not necessarily a world viewpoint. This can be a real ‘eye opener’ for students. Japan is also one of the few cultures largely untouched by a Christian value system. While this is changing, Japan should remain for us all a country to pray for, especially as it also it is so close to politically sensitive places like North Korea and the South China Sea.

The Japan Creative Arts Tour runs from 23rd June – 3rd July.