Local artist, Matt Smidt, has just completed a range of exciting projects for Mueller Arts. These include artwork for the new Music tutoring rooms,  the Photographic wall for Film Studies and the large mural on the side of the Arts Cube.
Matt’s expertise in street art, portraiture and custom graphics can be seen in cafes, community halls and schools across South East Queensland, and he is the founder of Matticulous Art.

It is a great experience for students to see artists like Matt at work. It is even more exciting when we can provide opportunities for students to be taught by professional artists directly.

Recently the Arts department has given students access to a professional make-up artist for Film, and a choreographer for Senior Dance. Soon the Arts will be visited by a professional stunt coordinator who will work with students in the ‘Arts in Practice’ program.  Later in the year, Mr Kite, our Senior Drama teacher will host the fifth ‘Faith in Arts‘ Day. This is a series of intensive workshops with professional artists culminating in a guest lecture on how Christian artists maintain and promote their faith in the industry.

Ultimately, such opportunities are all about equipping our students with the skills and resilience to pursue their dreams.

Simon Ratcliffe – Head of the Arts