The new year has brought a variety of fresh staff to Mueller including new teacher Peta Tams. We asked her a few questions to get to know her…

Why did you want to work at Mueller?
A friend who has children at Mueller passed on the Job Advertisement back in November last year and told me to apply because it was in my teaching area. I was tempted but didn’t apply because I was enjoying my correct comfortable part-time load teaching Hospitality and working on custom bridal gowns at the North Lakes boutique Oh Hello Bride.

However, God had other ideas because again it was bought to my attention in late January saying it’s a sign they are still looking they must be waiting for you. Having been in the same school for 20 years I thought to myself ‘what have I got to lose” so I put in my application that night at 11:57pm. The next morning at 7:30am I had an interview then a confirmed job to start the next day, which was new staff orientation day.  Although my life did a very quick change of pace – when God moves it can all happen very fast and I feel like God made it very clear that this is where he wanted me to be this year. When He says go I guess one needs to listen and I feel that God is very much at work in Mueller and I have felt very welcomed and supported here.
All the good I have heard about Mueller appears to be true.

What is your current role?
Food & Nutrition Teacher (to Yrs. 7,8,9,10,11,12)

What are you most passionate about in teaching?
I love Food and Fashion. Food has a way of bringing people together providing the perfect environment to make lasting connections with the students and helping them uncover the gift of Hospitality.

What was your very first job?
I worked in KFC when I was 15 but my first teaching job was in Melbourne teaching Home Economics. Then I worked as a Dean of Women in a boarding college near London before getting married and returning to teach in Brisbane for 20 plus years.

Coffee of choice?
Caramel Latte