Breakfast Club continues to be a popular hub this year with 300-500 students passing through each morning. The purpose is to provide a nutritious breakfast for students who may have missed brekkie or rushed out of the house too quickly – however no hungry person will be turned away, and it’s FREE!

Every day the Club goes through 25-30 loaves of bread and 35 litres of juice! Some of these products are donated from our hospitality suppliers with Mueller being their 2nd biggest client on the Peninsula behind only the Redcliffe Hospital. The Club has recently instituted a recycling program for breakfast waste and sources recycled products where possible in an effort to operate in an environmentally responsible fashion.

Our Year 12 form classes offer their help each week on a rotational basis as part of their community contribution. It’s a great way for our seniors to be interacting with the rest of the school and setting an example of servanthood.

Most importantly, Breakfast Club offers an opportunity for students to sit down to a meal around a table with friends. It’s a valuable moment at the start of the day for our young ones to pause, eat and connect. Breakfast Club is open from 8am-8:20am at the servery next to Hudsons from Monday to Friday.