Many of our families are in the thick of online learning now, experiencing both the new challenges and the new opportunities it brings. We talked to the Wilkins’ family – parents, Nate and Bron, Kyle (Yr 9), Jase (Yr 7) and Mayah (Yr 5) – this week about what their experience has looked like so far…

How do you feel about online learning?
Kyle and Jase said they are not bothered by the different learning context while Mayah shares, “I’m feeling stressed because teachers explain things face to face and we don’t get that [at home]”.

What do you miss about school on campus?
Kyle: “seeing people”; Jase: “friends and school sport”; Mayah: “playing with friends and doing sport and learning new things”.

What is the best thing about online learning?
Kyle: “I can get work done”; Jase: “[with the school work] you can just do the thing you’re meant to do, instead of all the things leading up to it”; Mayah: “We still get to text on student and teacher forums”.


Parents, Bron and Nate shared from their perspective…
How are you, as a parent, feeling about online learning?

We are both still working – Bron during school hours and Nate rotating shifts, so many days Nate is home with the kids doing their learning. At first, there was a fair bit of apprehension around how learning at home would go, and we definitely had some things to learn from the first week…but we are feeling ok with the on-line set up now.

Have you experienced any unexpected positives during this season of isolation?

Absolutely! We have all enjoyed not being so busy. The relief on our minds with not having to juggle the kids’ sports schedules has been great (although we are really missing our sport!). We have really enjoyed the slowing down of life and spending time with each other – being active together and talking more about bigger life things!

Has there been a scripture/family motto/mantra that has helped in this season?

Even at home, some daily structure is important.
Love is patient and love is kind.