The Gailer’s welcomed us into their at-home learning world this week. Mum and Dad, Mandy and Matt, and kids Ben (Yr 6), Emma (Yr 4), and Jacob (Prep) are navigating the season in their own way, choosing peace over fear, and noting accomplishments along the way to be proud of.

How are you feeling about doing school online instead of on campus?
Ben: I’m happy because I can finish all my work in the morning and then play all afternoon.
Emma: It’s fun because I get to play games when I finish my work.
Jacob: A bit happy and a bit sad.

What do you miss about school on campus?
Ben: Seeing my friends and playing on the playground.
Emma: I miss seeing my friends and my teacher.
Jacob: Meeting my friends.

What do you think is the best thing about online learning?
Ben: I get to play lots of LEGO and watch Legomasters at lunchtime.
Emma: There’s not as much work to do and you can bring your toys to school.
Jacob: I get to have free time.

From Mandy & Matt…
How are you, as a parent, feeling about online learning? Are you also working/studying?
The change from holiday mode to school mode was difficult without a change in environment, but everyone is starting to get into the swing of it now in week 2. I think we have all felt a bit overwhelmed at times just keeping up with what needs to be done.
Matt is working from home so we all have to keep the noise down so everyone can concentrate. And sometimes we all need some time on our own to keep us sane!

Have you experienced any unexpected positives during this season of isolation?
It has been nice to have a break from the rush of the normal routine and to spend more time together. We have played board games, watched movies and been walking and bike riding together regularly. We’ve had lots of video chats with family and friends which has been fun.

Despite the difficulties, it has been enjoyable to be involved with what the kids are doing at school, seeing how quickly they are learning new things and how hard they are working. I am so proud of them!

Has there been a scripture/family motto/mantra that has helped in this season?
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”
‭‭II Timothy‬ ‭1:7‬ ‭

A reminder for this season that God’s Spirit brings peace and enables us to do all that we need to do, to love each other and to think clearly.