This week the Sheppard family share a glimpse into their at-home learning experience with Harry (Yr 5), Ollie (Yr 4), Abby (Prep), and Millie (kindy). They highlight the ‘joys’ of multitasking and using the time to create special family moments. Harry begins with a classic answer that probably sums up the last couple of months for all of us…

How are you feeling about doing school online?

Harry – There’s some good parts and some parts.

What do you miss about school on campus?

All the children shared they miss playing and talking with their friends and teachers. As a preppy, Abby excitedly went back to school on Monday ready to see them.

What is the best thing about online learning?

Harry – I can do subjects whenever I want and if I forget something I can watch the video again
Ollie – I can see the teachers but they can’t see me!
Abby – Finishing early so I can play.

As a parent, how are you feeling about the season? Have you found any silver-linings?

I’m still working part-time and my husband is still going to work.  It’s been great having the kids home and seeing exactly what they’re learning but also challenging still trying to keep a house running, cook meals, do laundry etc. I’ve never multi-tasked so much in my life!  It’s been great not having homework and after school activities which has given us time to have family handball tournaments, bike rides and walks.

We remind ourselves often to “choose joy” and the ‘For King & Country’ song often gets blared. Our favourite verse lately has been from John 14:1 – Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in Me.