This week our Year 12 cohort officially entered their first and final season of external examinations. There was a nervous but determined atmosphere on Monday morning as they gathered to pray and prepare before heading into the examination rooms.

Last week they said goodbye to ‘normal’ school days with an Aussie themed free dress day on Friday. It coincided beautifully with Arts Week with a lunchtime singalong and celebration in College Square. A crew from the ABC was on campus and interviewed a group of students about the impending exams for a segment that aired on Sunday night.

One of the Year 12’s parents generously sent along a huge batch of cupcakes to mark the occasion and they were certainly enjoyed by all. At the end of the day, the year level came together on the oval to farewell school life as they know it and wish each other well for the weeks ahead.

Aussie-themed Free Dress

ABC Interview


Exams Begin