Our amazing team have put together an exciting week of activities next week to celebrate BOOK WEEK.

This year’s theme is Old World, New Worlds, Other Worlds. 

Primary students will have the opportunity to dress up as their favourite book character or something related to the theme. A Parade will take place in the Lacey Sports Centre on Tuesday 24 August, starting at 9.00 am. This is for fun and engagement in reading, so there will not be individual prizes for costumes, so just have some fun with this, as this is not to add stress to busy households. Appropriate closed-in footwear must be worn as well as clothes of an appropriate nature that safely allow students to participate in school activities.

The library is quietly transforming this week to embody this year’s theme with students encouraged to visit and experience a taste of the wonderful ‘worlds’ popping up in different corners of the space. Next week, each morning tea will have a different activity available for students to join at the library…

Monday – Games Day

Tuesday – Character Parade (9am) + Musical Caper (A Quad)

Wednesday – Scavenger Hunt

Thursday – Craft

Friday – Movie (Never Ending Story)