Easter megaChapel is coming up on the last day of term this Friday, 1st of April. Students know it’s not a day they want to skip as the whole campus gathers around the Easter story. Parents are invited to join us to journey through snapshots of Jesus’ life interacting with people as he walked toward the cross, and ultimately, the resurrection.

Doors open for Primary megaChapel at 11:40am to begin at 12pm. Parents are asked to enter via Level 4 of MPAC.

Lunch will be provided for everyone on Friday. Primary students can be collected from their classroom between 1-1:30pm should parents wish to take them home at the conclusion of megaChapel.

Doors open for Secondary megaChapel at 1:40pm to begin at 1:55pm. Parents are asked to enter via Level 4 of MPAC.