Intermediate Girls 1

Outstanding effort from IG1 last week taking out the win against Grace Rothwell. After some quick tries scored by Grace, the Mueller girls really played hard and came back with a 5-2 victory. This week they focused on a new move (shotgun) and focused on their defence by sending shooters in defence. Huge shoutout to Mia Sharrock, who passed some fantastic long balls and scored an outstanding try with great ball skill, followed by a great dive. Congratulations girls, keep up the great work!

Written by Alex White – Girls Academy Captain

Intermediate Boys 1

Awesome effort from IB1 on  Wednesday! Their execution of the sub box they’ve been working on in training was super successful throughout this game. The team had no issue getting down to the line during their high-intensity rucking and executed multiple moves they’ve been working on in training. It was great to see so many of the boys diving at the line and giving their 100% the whole time. Special mention to the team captain for holding the team together and setting up some great plays for the team. Hopefully aim to secure some good wins in the following weeks. Great work boys!

Written by Ella Hilton – Girls Academy Captain