How many students attended?

35 students from Years 9 to 12

What did you do?

The main focus was to take the Gospel to the schools we visited. But we also spent a lot of time reflecting on the truth that ‘There is no one like our God’.

What schools did you visit?

Lighthouse Christian College – Rockhampton

Trinity Christian College – Gladstone

Discovery Christian College – Agnes Water

Riverside Christian College – Maryborough

What was a highlight?

We have visited all of the schools last year. The highlight was to deepen our relationship with the students to encourage their Chapel teams that it is ok to be a Christian. The visits are more than running Chapels. A highlight is sitting and chatting with the students during break times and sharing Jesus with them.

What is next for Mueller Worship?

We lead worship in Chapel every week, but the next mini-tour is to Caloundra Christian College.