Prayer Week has just begun and students have thrown themselves into Tuesday’s activities. The Prayer Walk was popular with students quietly wandering from station to station, contemplating, responding, reflecting, and thoughtfully participating in the prompts along the way.

The ‘Sanctuary’ was created in MPAC for students to linger in worship, and take space to pray individually or together. Year 5 & 6 joined for a prayer rally at morning tea, and Secondaries came during their lunchtime. With hearts and minds focused on Jesus, the atmosphere in the room was tender, and many students came alongside one another to pray and encourage. Others zoned out from the challenges of school life, enjoying the moment to be immersed in worship as they were led by a student team.

The Prep’s and Year 1’s also had a gathering where they sang praise songs and learned from the Secondary prefects that prayer is as simple as talking to God.

The week of prayer continues with opportunities for everyone to get involved. Take a look here for the program of events.