The weather was amazing, the activities exciting and, the location beautiful. Year Five had the pleasure of going to the CYC campsite at Burleigh Heads at the start of the Term. Students got to participate in a variety of activities over three days that tested their limits, their strength, and their determination.

Raft building was a huge hit. Students had to assemble a raft that would float in the river and hold around 13 students. There were some successful raft engineers and some that had floating parts heading down the river. It certainly wasn’t as easy as it looked.

Tubing was a highlight and thrill-seeking adventure for many. With the option of going behind the boat at a speed of slow, medium, or fast, most students chose ‘extra-super-duper fast’.
Other activities involved dragon boating and giant stand up paddle boarding. Students also had had to work as teams and use problem solving skills to work through a variety of initiative games that allowed all students to have a go.

Of course, who could forget our incredible glowing dance party and movie night, with real popped popcorn!

Camp was a brilliant experience for students and staff. Students returned with big smiles on their faces and some great memories.